Category: News

April News!!

  It’s Spring Time!!!

What a great month we’ve had here at Twelve Baskets Food Pantry. I want to start out this month by inviting you to our up coming Annual Plant/Garden Sale Fundraiser on Saturday May, 18th from 9 am-3 pm. There will be tons of flowers, bushes, trees, annuals, perennials, soil, and lawn ornaments!!! We will have a yummy bake sale of Robin’s banana bread, cookies, rice crispy treats, and Heather’s Pies!!! We will also be accepting your nonperishable food and personal care donations as well!! For every personal care or food item that you bring to donate, we will give you a raffle ticket for your chance to win some pretty awesome prizes!!


We have had some really awesome donations come our way this past month. We got a whole cart of sliced turkey breasts from Arby’s on Shaver Road in Portage. We also got a cart full of dog and cat food from Paver Pet Supply and The Krugh Family was at it again with a generous back end full of yummy non perishables to donate too!!! We are so blessed for the continued support from our community helping in our mission to STOMP OUT HUNGER in our area.


We also had some giant donations this past month. One being an amazing donation of gift cards from Meijer on Shaver Road, which they had a fantastic sale that we took for granted and used some of those dollars to get those awesomely priced items. And the other big donation was from Pepsi !! A full pallet of orange juice!! Our clients loved that donation for sure!


We also had a bunch of donations from the Schoolcraft UMC !! Such great donations all around to fill the tummies of our neighbors right here in our community!!

 We also had the company of The Bridge Church helping us with distribution and The Dream Center who donated lots of Easter Baskets for the young children that came to Twelve Baskets Easter weekend.

  So much incredible things are continuing to happen here at Twelve Baskets Food Panty. Our biggest needs this month are personal care products. Mainly laundry soap and shampoo. Thank you for subscribing to our monthly newsletter. We hope to see you at the Annual Plant and Garden Sale Fundraiser this month!!! Take care and God Bless.

Spring is upon us!!  Think beautiful flowers and awesome veggies!! Twelve Baskets Food Pantry is hosting our annual Plant sale fundraiser May 18th from 9 am – 3 pm. We will have all sorts of beautiful plants and flowers, lawn ornaments, fertilizer and some handy tools that you can purchase to help us STOMP OUT HUNGER in our community !! We also will be having a bake sale and food drive that day. For every item you bring to donate, you will receive a raffle ticket for a chance to win some cool prizes !!

Twelve Baskets Food Pantry is a nonprofit 501c3 organization committed to STOMPING OUT HUNGER in our community while maintaining the hope and dignity of our clients. Our pantry is set up like a grocery store allowing our clients to push a cart and pick things off the shelves that they would use and that they like instead of getting a box of random food items that they will never eat and end up throwing away. Our clients walk out with a smile and full grocery carts of meats, canned goods, peanut butter/jelly, cereal, baking items, toilet paper, personal care items, and fresh produce and eggs!!

March News!!

Awesome things developing here at Twelve Baskets Food Pantry. This past month we had several great things happen. We had the 5th grade classes of Kalamazoo Christian Middle School come and help us stock and unload trucks. We were done in record time!! We appreciated their help.

Not only did we have these sweet children helping us, we also had this fun FedEx group of volunteers helping us with distribution!!! We loved making new friends with them. It is truly incredible how the community comes together when there is a need. We always welcome new volunteers with open arms.We are blessed every month with volunteers from The Bridge Church and this month Pathfinder Church also sent volunteers.

We have also had some pretty big donations this past month. Meijer on Shaver Road in Portage donated a generous gift card and we used it to stock up on peanut butter since it was on sale for 99 cents a jar!!! We got over 300 jars of peanut butter!!!! Thank you so much Meijer for the awesome gift card just in time for this great sale! We also got a great donation of meat from the Landsdale Family!!! We love getting meat donations. We go through a lot of meat here at Twelve Baskets Food Pantry. Another awesome donation we had this past month is from the Krugh Family. They got us lots of pasta sauce and sloppy joe sauce. These make easy meals for our clients. Thank you so much to The Krugh Family for your continued support in helping STOMP OUT HUNGER in our community.

We also had the Girl Scouts raise money to buy us a new stand up freezer!!! How awesome is that!!!??? Way to go girls!! We greatly appreciate all the work you did to raise the money for this needed freezer for our pantry.

We have some awesome events coming up this year. The two biggest ones are our Annual Plant/Flower Sale located right here at Twelve Baskets Food Pantry May 18th at 9 am and will be open until 3 pm or until we sell out!! Come shop for beautiful flowers and plants that are donated from some of the great greenhouses around town. This year we will also have a bake sale and when you bring an item to donate you will receive a raffle ticket for your chance to win great prizes!

We are looking for more people to join our team of drivers. If you are reliable and able to lift up to 50 pounds and are looking for something to do in our community join our volunteer team!! Must have a valid drivers license and able to lift boxes repeatedly in and out of our vans. For more information on joining our driving team please email us at

Thank you for subscribing to our monthly newsletter where you can stay up to date on what’s new and upcoming here at Twelve Baskets Food Pantry.



New Positions Available!!

Do you like to drive? Can you lift a minimum of 50 pounds? Do you have extra time on your hands and want to give back to your community? If you answered yes to any of these questions then a position as a food pick up driver would be an excellent position for you!!! We are looking for a few dependable people to fill a couple of our donation pick up spots. Must have a valid drivers license and able to lift up to 50 pounds. This is a volunteer position. Here at Twelve Baskets Food Pantry we run strictly on volunteers and donations. To inquire more about this position please go to the volunteer tab and click on driver. Then fill out the form and our secretary will get back in touch with you.

Thank you,

Twelve Baskets Board

February Newsletter

We had so many awesome things that happened at Twelve Baskets Food Pantry this past month!!! I would like to give some recognition to a few big drives and donations. We had Joe from Joe’s Farm donate 1200 dozen eggs!!!! Parker HSD on Miller Road in Kalamazoo had a successful food/personal care item drive that filled TWO of our large tables!!!! Boy Scout Troop 244 delivered us a hefty amount of toilet paper, peanut butter and jelly!!!! Nelson Hardware on Portage Road donated a huge case of toilet paper this past month!! And we got a very generous donation from Meijer on Shaver Road in the form of a gift card!! We have been blessed this past month from our community and we are truly grateful.

Aside from our local food drives, we have had other great things happening as well. Our board member Heather Hall is doing a Mother’s Day Project to show some extra love to the young moms here at Twelve Baskets. She is off to a great start on getting donations. If you would like to help with this project, contact Heather via email at to see what items she is still looking for.

Our secretary Joann has been working away at our free store getting it organized and open during most distributions so we can give a way clothing items, shoes, toys, books, and games just to name a few. If you would like more information on how to donate, volunteer, or shop at our free store contact her via email at We would love your gently worn clothing items, shoes, coats, toys, games and such. We are so grateful to have that extra space to be able to have this free store.

Did you know that Twelve Baskets Food Pantry has an annual plant sale fundraiser every spring??? Keep a watch on our website, Facebook, and your inboxes for all the information about it!!! If you have things to donate such as bulbs, lawn decorations, seeds, plants, potting soil and other items used in the garden please contact us via our email address and Joann or Romona will get back to you as soon as possible. We have a food drive during this plant sale fundraiser so start gathering up some nonperishable items cause for every item you bring to donate you get a raffle ticket for your chance to win some cool prizes! How cool is that? We will also be having a bake sale that day so come hungry. Last year we had some awesome banana bread made by our board member Robin. It was so yummy and sold out FAST.

Are you retired or have some extra time on your hands? We are looking for a few dedicated, reliable, strong people that want to join our team!! We are looking for drivers that can go to pick up donations from our local stores. Must have a vehicle and a valid drivers license and be able to lift 50 pounds. Contact us via our email address or go to the volunteer section of our website and click on the volunteer driver button.

Year in review 2018


2018 was a very busy year. We began the year with four distributions per month instead of two. We did this primarily to ease the congestion on Saturdays. That worked for a time, but by summer our numbers had almost doubled. We are maxed out on space, both for food and parking, but somehow we make it work.

This summer we took possession of a ‘container’. This is a refrigerated unit that sits in our parking lot measuring 23’ long, 8’ wide and 9’ tall. This allowed us to get rid of a few of our electricity eating refrigerators and freezers and it reduced our Consumers bill by $200 a month.

Food is by far our biggest expense with electricity and rent being the two second biggest expenses. Fuel for our vehicles is also a big expense, as we drive many miles picking up food from various locations. In July, on a warm, still night a large tree fell on both of our vans, covering them so well that we could not see them. The oldest van was totaled and the 2003 van received a hole in the hood and needed a new windshield. Neither Van had full coverage because of their age and mileage. The Bridge Church and one member of the Church heard about our challenge and helped out by buying us a 2014 Ford Cargo Van. We took possession in October. We still need to use personal vehicles to retrieve some food, but two vans are definitely needed. Our drivers are on the road 4-5 days a week.

A local business donated “Twelve Baskets” T-Shirts for our volunteers. These shirts have been a hit with everyone and they make it very easy for the clients to know who workers are and who clients are. And speaking of workers … we have been very fortunate to have many volunteers show up on Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturdays (and any other time that we might need them un-expectedly). Side note: we do not ask volunteers to commit to any specific time. They may pick the time and day. This has worked very well for us, and we always seem to have enough help, praise the Lord. Many groups have also come to volunteer. We had a group of girls come one Saturday (it was one girls birthday). They brought food, helped as shopper assistants, manning a food station and working the parking lot. The Bridge Church has been coming every 2nd Saturday for several years, the Kalamazoo Spartans, Kalamazoo Auto Auction, Sanford Financial and other smaller groups. This really makes for a fun day when these events occur. Schools and businesses have participated in food drives, such as B45 Academy who ran a competition to see which team could collect the most food, resulting in over 3,000 pounds.

This summer we had a Volunteer appreciation picnic at Lakeview Park and in December we had a Volunteer dinner at Indian Run Golf Course in Scotts. We had a wonderful turn out at these events, and everyone had a great time. All food for both events was donated.

The week of Thanksgiving the WMU Football Team gave away 25 complete turkey dinners to a random selection of our clients. This was their idea, their $$$’s and their time. They did it at the pantry and
everyone had a great time. Channel 3 even showed up to record the event.

We start each distribution day with a gathering of clients and volunteers in the parking lot, forming a circle. Announcements are made, we pray and then ask if anyone has something specific that they wish prayer for. We then end our session with The Lord’s Prayer and shopping begins.

This year we signed an agreement with our landlord to purchase our building by December 2019, thus we are in an active ‘Building Campaign’ to raise the money. But, we also realize that the building we are in is not big enough, so we would like to purchase the building directly to the north of us as well. That building is almost four times as large as the one we are in now. With that building comes extra parking (which we are using right now because the owner, Ken Terpstra has generously made it available. He has also given us two large rooms (no charge) to use for storage. He has been a huge blessing to Twelve Baskets. He wants to sell and is willing to wait on us. We don’t want to take advantage of him, so the sooner the better.

As we said in the beginning, our numbers have grown. With approximately 90 families per week (average 3.4 per family) we have fed about 14,000 people this year. They are receiving a full cart of groceries which averages about $100 – $150. Of course food is distributed based on the size of the family, so it varies with each family. Clients receive a selection of meats, canned & boxed good, juices, produce, breads, snacks and deserts (such as ice cream, pies & cookies). It takes between 20 – 30 volunteers with each distribution.

Unexpected volunteers have magically shown up from time to time, such as a crew to move refrigerators & freezers to clean behind, under, inside and outside, and to wash shelves. A Portage Central athlete who mowed our lawn. Another crew came in the spring to rake both front lawns. A client with a backhoe, to move the downed tree from the vans and cut it up. A fraternity to haul away the brush. The same client with a backhoe also clears snow from the driveway from time to time.

Twelve Baskets is a 100% Volunteer, 100% Donation based pantry. We have no paid personnel. We do however have monthly expenses that continue to rise. Without the generosity of many, we would not exist. We want to thank every one of you for whatever contribution you have made. We are most grateful.

Come visit us any time. We are sure you will be amazed at the clients, the volunteers and the workings of the Pantry.

On behalf of the Board of Directors, Volunteers and those served by Twelve Baskets Food Pantry, we are most thankful for the help you have given.

Happy New Year!
May your 2019 be filled with many blessings.
January 2019

Harding’s Rewards

Earn money for Twelve Baskets by shopping at Harding’s

Sign up today by going to Hardings reach offers.  If you already have a rewards card for Harding’s then you can just login to your account and click the “my rewards” button and select Twelve Baskets Food Pantry. Its that simple!! Here is the breakdown of how we get rewarded by your purchases. The more you spend the more families we can help.

  • 1% rebate on purchases made between $0-$299.99
  • 2% rebate on purchases made between $300-$599.99
  • 4% rebate on purchases made between $600-$1999

Happy New Year!!

We have out grown our space. We exist solely by our community donations via monetary and food items and volunteers. We are in need of all of the above. Help us meet the needs of the growing number of families by donating your tax deductible monetary donation, food items, and volunteer your time. We are in need of $500,000 by year end to either purchase the building we are in or buy a bigger building. We are asking our community to help us STOMP OUT HUNGER for the increasing amount of families in need of food right here in our area.

Donating Long-term

Make a bigger impact by donating long-term appreciated securities, including stock, bonds, and mutual funds, directly to TWELVE BASKETS. Compared with donating cash, or selling your appreciated securities and contributing the after-tax proceeds, you may be able to automatically increase your gift and your tax deduction.

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our Donor Relations Team by calling 269-365-0533 to see how your long-term securities, stocks, bonds, and mutual funds can make a difference in our fight to STOMP OUT HUNGER in our community.

Please help

Twelve Baskets Building Fund Campaign

Twelve Baskets is very excited to announce the kickoff of a campaign to purchase the building and more by Jan. 2020. Won’t you consider helping by sharing this with all of your friends! Ask employers, churches, friends, organizations, sports teams, or have a yard sale or sponsor a fundraiser!! We are asking you and the community to help us reach the goal of $500K by Jan. 2020. All donations are tax deductible.

Invitations to attend monthly board meetings and tours of the facility are available by contacting us through our website. This is a great way to learn how the community is being impacted by our wonderful and much needed organization. No questions will be unanswered! Twelve Baskets will provide presentations and client testimonies.

Needs for the funds:

  • Our current contract ends 1/2020
  • Building updates are needed to better serve clients
  • New heating and cooling systems
  • More parking spaces
  • Additional shelter for clients waiting to be served. They currently wait outside in their vehicle.
  • Flyers, cards, decanters and envelopes are available upon request.

Thank you in advance and many blessings to you.